Chris Freitas

Chris Freitas
With over a decade’s worth of professional sales experience, Chris brings his fresh perspective to the insurance world where he works with new clients to enhance their employee benefit and HR experience. He is a huge Warrior and Giants fan, but a bigger fan of his kids, wife, and two cats.
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COVID-19 and Insurance Rates

Benefits, Benefits Plans, Employee Benefits, Group Health, Health Insurance, Health Plans, Healthcare, Insurance

COVID-19 and insurance have been a hot topic since the pandemic began in the U.S. earlier this year. With no apparent signs of relief for the near future, individuals and businesses continue to face uncertainty about what the remainder of 2020 will be like for financial viability, health and safety, and insurance coverage.

When we take a look at COVID-19 and insurance, many branches of insurance are affected. Health, auto, and business insurance, for example, have all been significantly impacted. Employee benefits have also been impacted, especially when considering what insurance rates and premiums will look like in 2021. The question for many businesses is whether insurance premiums will be affordable.

by Chris Freitas

How to Determine Insurance Rates and Premiums

Benefits, Benefits Plans, Employee Benefits, Group Health, Health Insurance, Health Plans, Healthcare, Insurance

There are numerous types of insurance that individuals and businesses require. Some of the personal insurance options include auto, health, home, life insurance, and travel insurance. Business insurance options include commercial auto, general liability, property, business interruption, and worker’s compensation insurance. Employee benefits, including health, life, and disability, are also considerations for businesses. Regardless of the type of insurance required, you’re going to need to pay the price, or premium, for the insurance selected.

by Chris Freitas

HR Audits 101

Benefits, Benefits Plans, Employee Benefits, Group Health, Health Insurance, Health Plans, Healthcare, Human Resources, Insurance, Teamwork

Although some organizations stay on top of HR audits, others appreciate their importance but fail to perform them. Organizations can fall short on conducting them due to a lack of time, resources, and HR expertise. Without these periodic, objective reviews of HR practices, policies, alignment with company culture, and strategic direction, the organization will suffer in the long run.

by Chris Freitas

10 Insurance Broker Benefits

Benefits, Benefits Plans, Employee Benefits, Group Health, Health Insurance, Health Plans, Healthcare, Human Resources, Insurance, Teamwork

Regardless of the reason why you need it, purchasing insurance can cause feelings of anxiety and dread. Buying the right type and level of coverage for you and your business requires a lot of time and resources. You want to ensure that you’re purchasing the right coverage to mitigate risks and provide financial security. If you’re looking for employee benefits, you also have the challenge of balancing the needs and requests of your employees with the needs and budget of the business.

by Chris Freitas

Insurance Broker Considerations: 10 Things to Look For

Benefits, Benefits Plans, Employee Benefits, Group Health, Health Insurance, Health Plans, Healthcare, Human Resources, Insurance, Teamwork

Securing insurance takes time and resources. Because each individual, family, and business has a unique set of risks, there is no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all” policy, regardless of the type of policy you’re seeking. Insurance brokers provide the expertise required to help individuals and businesses secure insurance policies to meet a wide array of needs.

by Chris Freitas

Insurance Broker vs. Insurance Agent

Benefits, Benefits Plans, Employee Benefits, Employees, Employers, Employment, Group Health, Health Insurance, Health Plans, Healthcare, Human Resources, Insurance, Teamwork

Insurance brokers and agents act as intermediaries between insurance companies selling insurance and consumers seeking to purchase insurance. There are several insurance options and insurance organizations from which to choose. Brokers and agents help navigate the many choices of insurance available to meet the needs of their clients at a fair price. If you’re in the market for personal or business insurance, you might be wondering what the differences are between an insurance agent and an insurance broker.  

by Chris Freitas

Federal and California Health Insurance Regulations for 2020

Benefits, Benefits Plans, Employee Benefits, Employees, Employers, Employment, Group Health, Health Insurance, Health Plans, Healthcare, Human Resources, Insurance, Teamwork

Health insurance is one of the top benefits that employers can offer to employees. Providing health insurance to employees requires employers to stay on top of the ever-changing legal landscape focused on employer benefits. Do you know both the current and new federal and California health insurance regulations for 2020? In the content below, we explore how this year's health insurance regulations impact employers and employees.

by Chris Freitas

What is Group Health Insurance? An Overview

Benefits, Benefits Plans, Employee Benefits, Employees, Employers, Employment, Group Health, Health Insurance, Health Plans, Healthcare, Human Resources, Insurance, Teamwork

One of the first considerations for candidates when evaluating job prospects is the company's employee benefits. Medical expenses can be costly, and employees want to know that they and their families will be taken care of if medical needs arise. Many employees would even consider a job with lower pay for a job with better health benefits, as 88% of the respondents in a 2,000-person study by research firm Fractl indicated. Offering healthcare benefits is essential for employers to attract, hire, and retain top talent. 

by Chris Freitas

What Is an Insurance Broker?

Benefits, Benefits Plans, Employee Benefits, Insurance, Teamwork

An insurance broker helps businesses and individuals navigate the complex world of insurance and the numerous options available to them. They work with consumers to research insurance policy terms, conditions, pricing, and coverage to determine which policies will meet their needs. Insurance brokers also solicit and negotiate insurance pricing with multiple insurance agencies to help their clients get the best coverage possible at the best price possible. In the content below, we differentiate an insurance agent from a broker, explore the types of insurance offered by a broker, and discuss benefits of working with an insurance broker. 

by Chris Freitas

International Travel Insurance 101

Benefits, Benefits Plans, Compliance, Employee Benefits, Employees, Family, Financial Planning, HR, Human Resources, Insurance

Travel insurance protects individuals and businesses against loss that occurs while traveling. Travel insurance mitigates losses caused by missed flights, natural disasters, acts of terrorism, personal injury or sickness while abroad, lost or stolen personal items and baggage, and unforeseen personal events that prevent traveling. While some might consider travel insurance unnecessary, for many, it provides peace of mind. With the right level of protection, travel insurance allows individuals to focus on the purpose of their trip, whether for business or personal reasons, without wondering what might happen if they find themselves in an emergency situation.

by Chris Freitas