Everyone worldwide has experienced some degree of tumult since early 2020, when COVID-19 reached pandemic status. Workers all over the world have had to adjust to remote work options and many other unprecedented work-related modifications.
One thing that hasn’t changed in the past two years is that family medical issues that require valued employees’ attention come up. Sometimes, a situation requires their physical presence to manage the matter, which is frequently upsetting and worrisome for the family for some duration.
As most people know, such matters didn’t decrease with the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic. On the contrary, issues worsened, or new concerns specific to the novel virus itself arose in many cases. With that, the Department of Labor (DOL) had to take a fresh look at a classic law and make it work in the general sense and according to matters regarding COVID-19.
Do you know everything you need to know about Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA or Act) changes and general leave updates? If you’re uncertain, our KBI benefits team keeps up with all the latest FMLA changes and more, so let’s see what’s happening.